Thursday, May 26, 2011

Skin Again

By Bell Hooks
Illustrated by Chris Raschka
Published in 2004
      I actually really enjoyed this book. It addressed the issue of how some people have a different skin color then you, but in a way that made it more about being individual and not being defined by the way you look. It wasn't just another book about racism. I liked how the author spoke of how the skin is just a cover. It can help you trace someones identity "but then again the skin I'm in will always be just a covering. It cannot tell my story." I also liked the almost awkward flow of the book, I read it in my head like it was a blues poem (sorry if that doesn't make sense).
     Although this is a very simple to read children's book I would use it for any age level. Through out our K-12 yrs and our lives we struggle to find an identity for ourselves. Is it how other perceive us or how we perceive ourselves? What makes you, you. This book could start a great discussion on how everyone is different, not just with skin color but with our hobbies, interest, and lifestyles. Incorporating this book into a classroom opens a door to many activities. You could have students write a response or do an artistic response on what makes them them, trying not to use physical features. Let people in on the inside as the author says.

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